Community- the missing jigsaw piece. I loved writing my last blog celebrating the better parts of Barnsley, the new, and old small businesses and independent traders. I loved looking back at the Barnsley I knew and loved growing up. These were fab times, shared with family and friends and some of these friends I'm still in touch with. At the centre of all my memories where I grew up, is also this massive sense of a strong community, a close knit village, intertwined with surrounding villages. I love the above African proverb. Who you are surrounded by, role models and friends, does help shape you. I remember Community centres and village halls spread all over the borough of Barnsley. These were busy, community hubs, stretching across the neighbourhoods like light houses. They were places to go to have fun, learn new things, socislise and be included. All different generations enjoying each other's company over bingo, yoga, crafting, flower arranging and much more. There ...