The hygge way!
The Hygge Way! In the past three years, I have slowed my pace down, quite a lot! I had been thinking about slowing down, often, but it was my health that made me in the end. And leaving my teaching career. I slowed down so much that I actually stopped. Not just a pause, but an emergency stop when I look back! I then started to carry on but at a much slower pace, not fitting as much in and taking more notice of things. More simple things that I had taken for granted before. I had been too busy to notice them or apprciate them. Now I did. The quote above from pinterest is so important because it was what I needed to do, and was doing, without realising I was following a certain way. This quote too, showing the importance of noticing the small, everyday details. I was back as a youngster, taking everything in and questioning what was around me. Not chasing onto the next event. I have found a few lovely books about the Hygge way of living. TK Maxx has a fab selection of these ha...