Those we meet along the way. I'm at the grand old age of forty five and in this time, I've met a lot of wonderful people. Some have stayed and some, I now see, were just passing through. We have people in our lives, like teachers, who mean the absolute world to us at the time, then become lovely memories and role models down the years. There are people from our youth who stay special and become part of our reminiscing thread. I'm so lucky to have many of these. When I look back at my schooling, my friends and I were so lucky. I had some marvellous, creative teachers who instilled in me my love of reading and writing, and fired my imagination, feeding my growing mind on a diet of Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton during storytime. The passion for reading and listening to stories was passed down to me tgrough my family and my teachers. I will never forget my favourite at Junior school. She was everything I tried to be as a teacher. During this time, I went to Sunday schoo...
Showing posts from November, 2019
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Simplify your life I've always been an avid collector of so many things from being very young. Right back to my early childhood when out on walks with my family, then later with friends, and we'd come back with acorns, pine cones, conkers, horse chestnuts, sticky buds and big, interesting leaves with the veins sticking out 3D. You knew you'd be crafting at home later with much of this stuff. But then, this was pre Nintendo, Game boy and Ipad! My friends and I collected the daisies on the school field together to make daisy chains and proudly give them to our teachers. By the end of the day, they'd limply lay on thr teacher's desk, all forlorn. Fast forward twentu years and kids were making them for me. We'd pick rose petals from neighbouring gardens to make the most vile perfume for our mums. The jars would sit on window cills and in dark pantries for days before they were thrown out. But even Coco Chanel had to start somewhere. Perhaps not picking petals ...
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What can we learn from the Disney Princesses? I love this from Pinterest. Disney princesses have so much more to teach us; so much more than look pretty and wait for a man to fulfil your life. Especially at a time when when that is what was expected! Imagine having a little part of each princess in you! I'm definitely as curious as Aerial. I need to work on the sophistication of Aurora! This next quote definitely made me laugh! And this next quote! I am a huge fan of all things Disney and I am a daydreamer. However, I have to agree with this quote about the unrealistic expectations Dieney has given us! I'd love the big, flowing Princess hair without having to spend five hours in a salon! Saying that, it is actually Marvel who have given me unrealistic expectations of men. Thanks to Thor mainly or Thwoar as I like to call him! Saying that, I wouldn't mind having extra help around the house like Snow White. The helping birds I get are the pigeo...