What can we learn from the Disney Princesses?

I love this from Pinterest. Disney princesses have so much more to teach us; so much more than look pretty and wait for a man to fulfil your life. Especially at a time when when that is what was expected! Imagine having a little part of each princess in you! I'm definitely as curious as Aerial. I need to work on the sophistication of Aurora!

This next quote definitely made me laugh!

And this next quote!

I am a huge fan of all things Disney and I am a daydreamer. However, I have to agree with this quote about the unrealistic expectations Dieney has given us! I'd love the big, flowing Princess hair without having to spend five hours in a salon!

Saying that, it is actually Marvel who have given me unrealistic expectations of men. Thanks to Thor mainly or Thwoar as I like to call him!

Saying that, I wouldn't mind having extra help  around the house like Snow White. The helping birds I get are the pigeons pooing on my white towels!

I loved the story of Sleeping Beauty as a kid; I was entranced by the whole falling asleep bit. Now, as an adult, I'd just love to sleep at night! And yes, if you are going to wake me up, please bring me coffee!

I love this next quote for a modern princess, hoping for a lay in. Yes. Just let her sleep for ten more minutes!

Or, alternatively, just let her watch Netflix without worrying about the chill!

I have used this next quote before for my menopause blog and think it shows a more realistic view of a modern princess!

As does this from the fab Alice In Wonderland. How many times have we made this stance at work or at home? Too many to count!

I do love this next Alice quote and it definitely explains women's moods which can fluctuate within a day. Even a morning!

And comfort eating? I can identify with that! Unlike Alice though, our waists don't actually stay the same size!

My blog is full of positive quotes and advice that I try to follow in practice, but it does sound easier in theory! We are very good at telling people about their lives and finding answers to their problems. We find it a lot harder sorting out those closer to home!

I do love this uplifting quote. It reminds us to keep moving forwards, not backwards, no matter what.

Moving onto Cinderella, this proper made me laugh!

And this meme! I would much rather have had a glittering pair of Doc Martens anyday! My friend and her sister both got married in Doc Martens. Brilliant!

We all know the pure stress poor Cinders was under. I do feel this is a more likely reaction to all the cooking and cleaning for people who did not appreciate her!

I think everybody needs to read the next quote and just think for a minute. Stop letting things, people and events limit you.

I know we have to have dreams but there is also a time to be grateful for just what we have got. Chase your dreams, but remember what we have too and be grateful for it.

Moving on to my most favourite princess ever, the brave Merida! I love everything about her: her red, curly hair, her green dresses and her independent spirit!

I love this next quote and as much as I enjoyed watching Tangled and Frozen, Brave will always be the best, in my opinion.

I have loved Disney for as long as I can remember. As far back as watching The Rescuers and having a wipe clean bag I used to cherish. I loved Dumbo and cried when I watched Bambi. We have visited Disney Land three times and have been excited by photo opps with Minnie Mouse and Mary Poppins.

Always keep the magic of Disney in you. Keep thinking young and stay curious, like Peter Pan!

Keep laughing and looking on the bright side. This made me laugh from Mary Poppins!


  1. Very funny! Your imagination is fantastic. Time you wrote that book.


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