Smells like teen spirit

Smells like teen spirit

I loved this Nirvana song, back in the 90s. We sang it every Wednesday night at student night. Back when we were full of the stuff. We were brimming over with teen spirit. And pints of lager, green monsters and snakebites! Spirit wise I loved Archers, Taboo and Blue bols. All with lemonade. And I loved the Bacardi Breezers! Those Mad Dog 20/20 drinks though. I can't believe we drunk those!

As I look on pinterest, it is queried whether the brilliant Kurt Cobain was singing about the Teen spirit deodorant stick but I don't really equate the raw edginess of this song with this! 

So, we were full of teen spirit, back in the 90s. I turned sweet sixteen in 1990. Dressed as we wanted, dressed for comfort with our dockers. We did follow another Nirvana song, Come as you are. The style of the evening being, in the words of Cole Porter, 'anything goes'. We were very much take me as you find me and I loved it!

You don't only smell teen spirit, you feel it. It oozes out of your pores so casually. You may feel like you have the weight of the world one minute then the next, you are in your mate's house, dancing along to Madonna, putting your lippy on in the mirror, squirting your fave perfume all over and off out to have fun! To get some of those 'teenage kicks' the Undertones sang about!

They say your school and teenage years are some of the best of your life. I blooming loved both! You may be full of angst and confusion, at times but you are also experiencing many things for the first time and are full of excitement and wanderlust. I listened to Alanis Morrisette and took my teenage frustrations out on that fab album!

I loved my time with my family, my friends and boyfriends. There was so much happening and we juggled school and college life with our hectic social calendars! Or as the older generation called it, we were burning the candle at both ends! I was much fitter though back then! This quote reminds me how we were free. From bills and mortgages! From opinions and judgements as we were too busy having fun! From fear as we didn't stop too long to think about stuff; we just did it! Well, this was most of the time. I've got my rose tinted glasses on again!

Teens can change moods though in five seconds! When I look back on old family photos, I am smiling one minute then grumpy the next. I could be dancing in the nightclub to 'Jump Around' then crying in the corner the next. Should have just stick to the Lambrini as those girls have the most fun!

Teens can float around, as soft as candy floss but be weighed down by anxiety at the same time. When I look back, I did this well. Or so I thought! I struggled with grief through my teens and although I was the life and soul of every party going, the grief did have its outlets. I was lucky to be surrounded by fab family and friends. When I think of this next quote, I get it. We can still be carrying around that child or teenager that is still hurting. 

I don't think the child, or the teenager ever leaves you. They may get squashed down with the years, the tears, the bills and the responsibilities but they are still there, waiting to come out occasionaly!

Love this from pinterest! It hasn't left mine!

Teenagedom is so special and I really miss being that teenager. I do get to hang out with my lovely daughter and her gorgeous friends though. They love the 80s and 90s music and fashion and we get on really well. Looking back, we not only had a musical soundtrack to our teens, of the 80s and 90s, but a fragrance track too. I smell a certain fragrance and I am back there. Young and ready to take life on. Oh to bottle that scent and feeling! Perfumes bring back so many memories. 

Perfume is so good at transporting you back to your past and different times, reminding you of certain people and events.

The perfume of my youth I remember so well. My sister in law and I had a trip down Memory Lane a few years ago and I bought Lou Lou and Paris, which I wore at secondary school. I thought I was so sophisticated wearing Paris especially, it being the city of love!

I have both now and they transport me back to that teenage girl I was!

I also loved Anais Anais and Poeme. All so different. One floral and the other more zesty. Each perfume suiting the different moods of a teenager.

This perfume advert brings back memories! The soft lighting and feminine touch!

I found a few perfume memories on pinterest. I loved exclamation!

I was also reminded of this retro perfume Wings!

I never wore these but I remember my friends wearing them!

So many different perfumes and so many different moods of a teenager! It wasn't one size fits all. Just like our musical tastes differed with our moods too. Even now, as a grown up, I still vary my perfumes to suit how I feel, to go with my outfit and where I am going.

I must admit, I have always been more of a fruity girl! I do love the fresh smells of the more fruity perfumes!

This made me think because I do love the scent of anything with roses. When I was little, I equated this smell to old ladies. Now I love the smell! 

Depending on the situation, you saved your more powerful smelling ones for going out out! For me, being 19 and nightclubbing at the weekends, it was Angel by Thierry Mugler. I loved the scent, the colour and the shape of the bottle and I loved how it made me feel when I was out wearing it.

Such a pungent smelling scent. I loved it and my clothes and room always smelled of it. It was my signature scent for evenings and made me happy. 

I even link perfumes to friends as my friend, whose house I stayed at a lot on weekends also wore it. I have re worn Angel now for the last 12 years or so and the memories come cascading back of fab nights out. 

I loved buying perfume, in the 90s, not only for the scents but the bottles and boxes too. There were such brightly coloured, patterened perfumes. I loved the Vivienne Westwood Boudoir perfume and was so happy to receive a free bag too! I mean, the price it was, I needed two free bags!

I never owned Jean Paul Gaultier perfume but I did love the bottles! I would choose La Belle for the bottle and box!

The Anna Sui perfumes had such lovely bottles and boxes. Very imaginative and creative!

I also bought perfume for the name and loved my Poeme! Well, I love poetry!

I have always had a thing for scents, even as a child, with my friends, lovingly making our own perfume out of rose petals picked and put in a jam jar. My lovely mum would humour me and leave it on the kitchen window sill. I would check it everyday, ever the optimist that I was. But after a week, even I could see it wasn't getting anywhere! 

Now, I just stop snd smell the roses. I love the nostalgic scents and don't care what I look like, bending down to sniff them on my dog walks! 

I loved looking through my lovely gran's perfumes and talcum powders. I loved the pressed talcum powder puffs she had so much! This advert brings back memories!

I remember sitting with her brush, comb and mirror set too. All wonderful memories of being a little girl, feeling older because gran let me sit with her lovely things and pretend to be a lady!

I love filling my dresser top with perfumes and smellies and love the pretty, vintage feel of this one from pinterest. 

This was one I took for instagram a bit ago. My sis in law bought me the lovely Shay and Blue from M and S. Really powerful scent that lasts ages. 

When I think of the long lasting scents, this quote makes me laugh!

I loved wearing perfume in the 80s. When I look back, the first perfumes we were wearing had to be the Body Shop perfumes. Everyone was wearing them. The animal cruelty free was starting to be campaigned and The Body shop were front runners in this. My cousin and I would go to Wakefield and come back with the fruity perfumes. I loved dewberry and strawberry. The roller ball and the bottle. The white musk was lovely too. I love these memories. 

The gift baskets were fab also!

My mum and aunties wore gorgeous perfume and I would sneak a tiny bit on my wrist as I watched my lovely mum get ready to go out. Charlie was a fave of my mum's.

Mum and I used to order from Avon and I loved their Far Away perfume. 

On special occasions, the much loved Chanel No 5 would come out of its box! My mum loved this scent so much. 

This Chanel book looks lovely on pinterest. The photo oozes class and sophistication. I wish I looked so classy when I go dog walking!

Years later, I bought Chanel Mademoiselle for a wedding day present to myself and Chanel Chance. Both so lovely. The Chanel Mademoiselle takes me back to excitedly getting ready and putting my wedding dress on. It was such a happy, hot, sunny day and that is what Mademoiselle reminds me of. 

I do love floral perfumes and two of my most recent perfumes have been Daisy Marc Jacobs and Gucci Bloom, again for the bottles too! Love this selection by Dana from pinterest!

Love Gucci Bloom and the large box it came in. So pretty. I can actually smell this photo!

I love body products and loved buying Origins products. Their Gloom Away perfume was so gorgeous that it did spray the gloom away! I loved their Ginger Essence too. I need to start buying it again!

I also loved the Lemon verbenna perfume and Cherry blossom from L'occitane. So fresh and lovely. 

These citrus perfumes are lovely to start the day off!

When I wrote my jewellery blog, I wrote about complimenting other people on their jewellery. I do the same for perfume. Any chance you get to compliment someone, do it!

I love perfume shopping and trying out all the different scents. Even better when you get free samples with your purchase!

We don't just wear jewellery and accessories for other people, we wear them for ourselves, to lift us up and makes us feel happy. I love this quote.

I was thinking, whilst writing this, and looking on pinterest, what perfume I would make if I could? It would have to be the scent of paperbacks, lovingly read in the sun, the sun lotion clinging to the pages, sparking gorgeous memories of holidays past! What would be yours?

I love to smell candles too. They are like a perfume for our house! I do agree with the quote. I used to save both but now I am like, get that perfume squirted on and appreciated! So whatever your age, get spraying! 



  1. Another travel in the past :-))
    I was 21 in 1990. Charlie, Gocce di Napoleon , Ives Saint Laurent Rive Gauche, Gloria Vanderbilt....For many years now, I have only Eau Ressourçante Clarence and I am not up date about perfumes :-)))
    Have a nice day,

    1. Thankyou. Ooh such lovely perfumes you have remembered!

  2. I love perfume and always wear it. There are a couple of perfumes which I always have, I have been wearing Paris for over 35 years and Amazing Grace by Philosophy for over 25 years. I like to have a selection in my drawer so every day I choose whichever feels right for me depending on the weather, the occasion, how I feel. Perfume brings me joy and is a favourite present to receive.

    1. The Amazing Grace sounds lovely. Might try and give that a go!

  3. Tried a few over the years but showing my age now as I love Lavender!!!!


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