Everyday Joy
I love this quote from pinterest. We all need vitamins for the soul! Take your daily vitamins through joy and laughter.
Finding joy in the little things can make us happy. The little rituals we do everyday, such as brewing a cuppa, lighting candles or listening to music.
We all have different things that bring joy to us. Find them everyday. Find five minutes to read your book, knit your way to happy, watch your fave comedian, sing along to your fave song. Five minutes a day is over half a hour a week! It may be a favourite pair of earings or spraying your best perfume that lifts you up. It may be wearing a lovely pair of boots or a new top. The little things all add up. Especially when you are then complimented for these!
Joy can be something we have by ourselves, in our me time. It can be the happiness of sitting by the fire, reading, sewing, singing along to our fave group or singer. It can be outdoors, in the sunshine, on a dog walk. Joy is very personal to each person. Joy is there, in the everyday, waiting to be found. It's not all about expensive weekends away or holidays, it can be found right where you are now.
There are so many places to find joy so get looking!
Joy can be unexpected. It can just turn up! Enjoy the spontaneous things in life!

I have written about them before but glimmers are fab! The opposite to triggers, they spark joy in your life.
Sometimes we may need to be patient and work a bit harder to find it, but it is worth the wait! We have to be open to it.
We need to find things that fuel our soul, hobbies and interests that we are passionate at and that make us feel rewarded and happy. The word joy is in the word enjoy and when we do things we enjoy, we are happier.
It is fab having hobbies and things that bring us joy. I love this quote about refuelling with the things we love. I always feel better after a dog walk or a read of my book. Or a cuppa and good conversation. Think about what fuels you.
Surrounding ourselves with positive people can bring lots of joy too. Those who are full of warmth and compliment you.
When we are around people who make us feel good about ourselves, we thrive. Friends and family who support us and make us happy are precious.
Love this quote. All these people bring us joy. Those folk who stay around when you are struggling to feel happy. The ones who help you refind joy.
It has taken me a long time to realise this but some folk are not return smilers, they don't want to reply to your cheery 'Good morning' or they feel better for putting you down. I spent a lot of time, trying to get them to reciprocate smiles and much time carrying around their fly away criticisms. Now, I realised that was a waste of my time and try to not let their negative energy bring me down.
How nicer to smile back, exchange a little morning greeting, give a compliment? This I get a lot from dog walking! It is lovely, at work when people compliment and support each other or when friends and family do thoughtful things for each other. Joy is meant to be shared and enjoyed together.
It is so lovely seeing other people happy, especially when it is through your thoughts and actions.
Joy is contagious. Like a ripple effect on others. Laughter is so contagious. Time with family and friends who lift us when we are feeling out of sorts are so important.
When we share our excitement and good things that have happened, it lifts the mood. Talking positive helps people think more positively.
I love this quote from pinterest. The idea of chasing joy everyday!
It is not about being joyful all the time because that is just not possible. It is not about having a perfectly happy life because that is not real life. It is about finding the happy in the stress and the mess.
When you keep your heart and mind open for joy, you do thrive and grow.
I found this book about Joy on pinterest and it looks an interesting read.
I do try to 'live in the moment' a lot more but I still do live in the past quite a bit, reminiscing and remembering when. I do get that joy brings you to the now, to the present.
You aren't regretting about the past or worrying about the future; you are feeling joy right in the moment.
When we are living 'in the moment' we are concentrating on our own situations and not comparing each other's lives. When we focus on our own, we are happier.

So enjoy your journey through life with its many adventures, u turns, plot twists and surprises.
Don't postpone joy though, thinking it will come along later. Find it now!
There is Joy in lots of things sometimes you have to look a little deeper!