
Showing posts from December, 2022

What happens in book club!

What happens in book club! I am so proud of our little book club Suzy's Books and Brews. So pleased with how it is growing and developing that I felt I needed to write a blog about it! When I first started thinking about properly starting a club, I never dreamed it would be this lovely! And that is down to you lovely people who interact virtually on social media and those who meet up and share your love of books. Love this from Zazzle on pinterest! I had wanted to start a book club for so long. I had been a member of some lovely book clubs and was inspired to start my own. It started as a conversation in the Old George coffee house with lovely friends who spurred me on to start one virtually, on facebook. I set it up and posted a few book recommendations and quotes and it grew from there.  A book club is only as good as its members and they are amazing! I appreciate every quote and book shared and every lovely comment. I have added to my To Be Read pile so much! Not that it needs a...