Dear old self ... 'When you go will you send back a letter from America?' I love this Proclaimers song and we sing along to it all the time as we watch the amazing Sunshine on Leith musical. I love the lyrics, thinking of what they'd miss when they moved to America. It got me to thinking what a letter to my old teenage self would look like. Perhaps something like this. Dear younger, thinner me, You were fab, you know. Even back then, you doubted yourself, didn't you? But look how hard you worked. Look at all those things you have done to prepare yourself for the wide world! Enjoy yourself more. It is true to do loads, visit places, have tons of fun, before you settle down. Just do it. Take loads of pictures too to look back on. Make loads of friends and get to know a whole bunch of different people who bring light and excitement to your soul. Sell yourself more! Go out and grab life. Enjoy every single minute of youngness. Don't undervalue your fitness a...