Don't Look Back in Anger. Some people say never look back. I say, do look back but follow the wise words of Oasis. Don't look back in anger. There is a massive difference between the two. It's ok to look back, now and again. It can be soothing, like a comfort blanket. Even though sad things happened, they are past tense and you don't have the fear of the unknown because it is all known. Your past made you you. Some people may not wish to look back at all. The today and tomorrow are more for them. At the moment, revisiting the past and reliving events is really helping me. It's lovely remembering people and places from my youth and having 'remember when' conversations with people who I've shared different parts of my life with. It is about having stories and funny anecdotes, not about the material things. I find I'm being reminded of things and people by a smell or a saying. Perfume is a massive memory booster. I loved bu...