It's now or never!

It's now or never! It's now or never to lose the weight. Stop the excuses, fore it's too late. You deserve to be your best. Lose inches from your tum and your chest! I write my blogs slightly hap hazardly sometimes and leave them awhile then revisit and finish them. On rereading this little opening, I had to then sing the other version of the Elvis song 'Just one Cornetto. Give it to me!' So clearly, on revisiting the blog I am not in a dieting mood today! Back to the start again! How long have I been going to lose weight? How long have I yo-yo dieted? I've even written a weight blog already. It was important for how I looked and felt about myself. I first joined Weight Watchers to be a bridesmaid for my brother. I thought I was big then! If only I knew! I have done most diets, losing weight and putting it back on. And then some! I have found Slimming World the best for me. I am a diabetic, type 2 and have tried intermittent fasting. It was really good but I s...