Sagging, slightly flagging but empowered! This describes my friends of a similar age and myself, to a tea! I have written both a menopause and an ageing disgracefully blog before but this is slightly different! Probably because I'm in a different place now as I was then! I do feel more confident and empowered. Definitely sagging, my pipes need lagging and I'm physically flagging. But yes! I'm in a better frame of mind to cope with it all now! Even though I ate and drank like it was an Olympic event over Christmas, I do feel mentally and spiritually lighter as I enter this new year, and decade. I just now need to work on the physical bit! When I read this next quote, I knew it fitted me. I have carried so much more than I should have: guilt, blame, self doubt, regret and worry to be just a few big boulders I had upon my shoulders. I am now carrying these as stones; you can't fully get rid of feelings and emotions but you can make sure they don't take as much e...