Addicted to caffeine

Might as well face it really! I'm addicted to coffee.

I'm in deep.
I can't sleep.
No wonder with all those cups you've had today.
I'm sure Robert Palmer would not have sung those lyrics! I love going on Pinterest and finding coffee/ tea quotes and this fits me like a glove.

I love the smell of coffee beans roasting and the taste of liquid coffee so much. Yet pass me a box of chocolates and that is my least favourite flavour, along with any fruit creams. My fave chocolate at the mo is hotel chocolat and I love the mojito six packs. Let's face it. Who doesn't love a six pack? They are quite lethal though when you bite into them! I do love chocolate but I'm still more of a savoury person. Give me a buffet any day. Yes. The whole buffet. I do strategically sit near enough to keep nibbling on the vol au vents without anybody noticing. Or so you think!
Meadowhall has everything for choccy lovers. Apart from the Cadbury outlet shop but you have to travel further for that. There are a few newsagents  and sweet shops selling chocs and sweets galore. There are a lot of American products to buy and I love Reeces. We sometimes go to hotel chocolat and Thorntons. Oh my. Their toffee is still so creamy. I love the fruit and nut toffee. Well any really!
On the odd occasion we will go to Godiva. I was amazed on our first visit at how gorgeous everything was. I selected what sounded the healthiest, an apple. When you open it, The mousse is divine. The orange one is lovely too. The chocolate fountain and fruit kebabs look fab and their hot chocolate! Wow! It was like a white chocolate volcano frothing with sprinkles and sparkly stuff!  The coffee and tea are lovely here. You could be Lady Godiva as you sit sipping your hot chocolate. I have a recollection of her being in a Queen song, Don't stop me now. Having googled her, apparently she rode naked on her horse, protesting against her husband raising the taxes. Perhaps I better not sit like Lady Godiva sipping hot chocolate after all!


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