Book Clubs rule!

First rule of book club?
You don't have to read the book, just watch the film!
Only joking. That did happen at our 2nd meet at the wonderfully named Happily Ever After book club. The book in question was Chocolat by the local author, Joanne Harris. I am sorry to admit this but I hadn't read the book or watched the film. When my friend and I excitedly entered the room, thinking of the handmade chocolate delights and endless cups of teas ahead of us, we froze. There in front of us were teams and quiz papers! Ooops. Should have read the hardback you've had on your bookshelf for years. At least watched the film and drooled over Johnny Depp.
We sat down nervously, hoping someone had read it. Most had watched the film but that just confused the table. Alas, one lady had done her homework and deserved all our rations of chocolate later. We didn't win but vowed to read next month's book. A month later, we both walked in rather smugly, clutching our well leaves book of the month, my friend's choice, Tuesdays with Morrie. A lovely read. We were raring to go with the quiz but to no avail. We were making aromatherapy bags instead!
I loved these six weekly book club sessions. On the first meet, we all wrote our fave ever book on the back of a postcard and one was to be chosen every month. It was easy to write mine. Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood. I just fell for this story when I first devoured it as a college student where you are introduced to Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter. Set in Canada, it concentrates on a grown woman coming to terms with childhood bullying. Even the name chosen for the bully, Cordelia fascinated me. I 're read it a few years later on holiday and love the smell of suntan lotion on its pages. I need to 're read it again this Summer.

A few years ago, I lost touch with reading. I wanted to get back but didn't know how. Then a good friend invited me to her book club at her house. I went along, Looking for inspiration and found it in The Girl on the Train book. I took that and a few others home with me that night, happy that I'd not only got a book I was itching to read but I'd met some lovely people too. I came home, opened the book and carried on reading, having started it earlier. I read and read till midnight and went to bed tired but content. From there, I moved onto A Husband's Secret by Lianne Moriarty, leant to me by a friend. My fave authors at the mo are Lisa Jewell, Katie Fforde, Maeve Binchy, Claire Douglas, Vanessa Green and Lianne Moriarty. I have loved the first three in the list for years.

Through Facebook, I have joined two book clubs. The first ran question sessions for the book of the month and twice we met in a local pub. I went along, not knowing anybody and loved it. We bought books and all monies went to charity. The other one is the worldwide TV Book Club and this is amazing. I actually know one person in it! There are so many brilliant books recommended on here to add to our growing to be read piles. People post nostalgic books and quotes too. They have a Christmas and Easter secret prezzy thing and I must join in on this!
A fellow book club member once asked me if I'd read the book for that month. My reply:
"I'm too busy going to book clubs to read any books!'
I went to a Book swap charity morning at my friend's the other day. They are running the marathon for the charity sense. We had a lovely time meeting old friends and making new ones. I came home with four fab books and a tummy full of chocolate cake. I will be holding one for them in April. I'm also going to start my own book club which will involve wine. We will also talk films because, why not? Especially comparing the books to the films. I always read the book first to create my own version of he characters and setting. I can't get to grips with The Girl on a Train film being set in America with an American actress.. Although, Renee Zelweggar did Bridget Jones justice bless her!


  1. Loved ‘The Husbands Secret’ a definite ‘can’t put it downer!’ I’m currently reading ‘What Alice Forgot’ another of Lianes titles but just can’t quite get into it the same...chapter 9 but will persevere!
    Loving your blog! X

    1. Thank You very much. You must read Big Little Lies also.


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