Park Life!

All the people, so many people!

They love Locke Park in all seasons and so do I!

I was brought up on this park. In Winter we would sledge till our feet were frozen. In Spring we would follow the bright paths of daffodils. Autumn was the time for fireworks and the raging bonfire.
My favourite part growing up was in the Summer with the sound of children playing and the flowers in full bloom. We'd painstakingly make daisy chains that lasted all of five minutes when worn! Now, I love Autumn the best with the variety of rich colours and the sun shining through the gorgeous trees as you walk.

In the midst of these fab memories is Locke Park Cafe that sold chips with ketchup on a cold day and ice lollies on a sweltering hot day. Coffee and tea were served in plastic cups that burnt your hands. Fantastic memories.
I love visiting Locke Park and love the quite new cafe which is dog friendly. Even more so now I have a dog! The staff are lovely and I love the fact there are always fresh roses which is such a lovely touch.

There are doggy treats on offer served in a doggy bowl and you get to meet such a wide range of dogs. I always order tea here. In my humble opinion,  this is one of the best brews in Barnsley! They are always served in gorgeous cups too.
The park is well kept and lovely to walk around with the dog. It's great because you can walk as far as you want. Either a few minutes from the car park to the cafe or right the outskirts of the park. Wherever you walk though, you will be treated by the gorgeous sights and smells of the flowers and the trees.

They offer a hot drink loyalty card to add to my growing pile of coffee cards! After a walk around the park, past the flower fountain, the bandstand and the tower, where better to go for a brew?


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