Fifty Shades of Earl Grey

For you fans of the trilogy (I got half way through) and the film, sorry to disappoint you. For hardened tea and coffee fans, you will love this blog! I did actually think Mr Grey should have been Earl Grey but Christian sounded better! So when Mr Grey is waiting for me, I know it's my trusted cup of tea! Can't be doing with too much excitement! There are so many different teas and coffees now that I'm sure we'll get to fifty!
I was tempted though when I saw this picture. Maybe Mr Grey would let me add this deal to his contract!

Not only are there different flavours of tea, there are tea leaves and tea bags seeing as it's in fashion again to have a tea strainer. When it comes to coffee, the mind boggles! There are so many ways of having coffee: instant, cafetierre, coffee filter, coffee pot on the gas stove, coffee pods in a machine and probably e
even more. I love this coffee art poster showing the variety of ways to drink this wonderful liquid.

When I started researching this, I couldn't believe everything on offer! I found this lovely little art poster of teas around the world. I have tried and enjoyed Chai tea and two chi! The Bubble tea looks fab. I need to broaden my taste horizons!

Years ago, I drank herbal tea and I have started again as I'm trying to detox. Instead of a glass of wine on a eve, I make a lovely little herbal tea. The lemon and ginger is my fave.

Twinings teas are lovely and I was very surprised how the new dessert flavour ones taste so gorgeous. Granted, it's not the same as a real, stodgy pudding and custard but it's mind over matter! Puckka teas are fab too. Pucker up for a herbal tea!

Right. Onto coffee! It makes me laugh when you look at the lengthy, posh coffee menus and just ask for a coffee. How hard should it be? I will order thus one in my next cafe! Always make me giggle this!

 I can't get over how many different ones there are. It's a very serious business. I normally say filter, Americano or Flat white.

When I am in Costa and Starbucks, I love their Cortados because even I can't drink the skip of coffee that arrives at the drinks station! I should know more about the Science stuff with the milk, froth and hot water but I don't! I've read all the stuff on the walls at Costa but can't remember which are strong and intense or frothy and milky! A bit like the Blossom Hill roses. One is crisp and fruity, the other fresh and something else. I want to say flirty?
Coffee and tea drinking is a very personal thing and we all know how we prefer to drink them. I like this quote because it does show how well you know someone.

Whether you like it strong or weak, tea and coffee are lovely drinks. They mean much more than just a cup of liquid. Tea is about sharing a problem and talking it out over a cuppa.  Sharing a teapot with friends, and a cream cake, is bliss!  It's a warming, comforting drink to sip whilst snuggled up in an armchair on a cold night. Tea is the idea of relaxing after a long day.

Coffee enables you to be ready for that long day! Coffee perks you up when you need that mid afternoon nap. It's the magical liquid that humanises you to have a conversation before 8am. It's also a wonderful social drink, bringing friends and family together over a chat and cake.

Just be careful though and choose the right coffee for the correct occasion. I will never forget going to my friend's for my eye lashes tinting and as usual, I was tired. She gave me this Rocket fuel coffee then went on to tint my eyelashes. Well I was wide awake by now and couldn't stop blinking my eyes. You can imagine the results!


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