Coffee Queen Advice. I've got a quote for that ...

Anyone who knows me, knows I love my quotes. I might get my everyday, common sayings mixed up, but my quotes are spot on! Throughout my few months of blogging, I've shared quite a few with you, and added the odd snippet or story to back them up. I'd already shared a few on Facebook and had folders of quotes on Pinterest waiting to be shared. Some, I've borrowed from friends who are on the same wavelength, or from amazing facebook pages, with a similar outlook as mine. I know somedays, a quote probably doesn't cut it, but most days they help!

So here are a few of my faves I've shared along the way.

In today's busy society of social media and technology, texting and posting on Facebook has become one of the most used ways of communicating. This is great when we are busy and need to let someone know we are thinking of them so send a quick message in our dinner hour. It's great to keep in the loop for arranging meet ups. Unfortunately though, and I'm putting my hand up at doing this too, we can write things and post things we might not say to someone, but the screen gives us a freedom we didn't have back when we spoke on the phone or met face to face.
I have noticed a massive influx of passive aggressiveness on social media. People in specialised groups, for example, this puppy group where owners just start being rude and defensive for no reason, with strangers they don't know and will never meet. The comments get quite ludicrous!
I'm one of those people who do speak before I've actually registered what I'm going to say in my head. I end up leaving a party or meet up sometimes analysing what was said. I sometimes wonder if what I said came out wrong or could have been misconstrued. If I do offend, I've not meant to! Honestly!
There are folk though, who, by making it sound joky and laughing while they say it, will put you down to make themselves look better. I've let this happen in the past. You let it happen and they'll just do it again.

I just think there are those who simply state beforehand that they speak their mind and therefore that just gives them carte blanche to trample all over your feelings. I have worked with a few people like this over the years and never stood up to any of them. Why was their opinion better than mine? It's taken me a long time to get my head around this next quote. Perhaps that's what it's all about!

I do have a few, lovely friends who say it as it is, but in a refreshingly honest way, where folk aren't offended. They are clearly helping, not putting down. And their advice is spot on!
I do love the idea of us all having an inner sparkle that shines out and that we leave a little trail of glitter behind when we help others. It's hard, sometimes to not let life and events dull this sparkle. It's very hard to not become bitter. I've dipped my feet in the bitter bowl and it's not a good look. Better to wear glitter and move on!

This leads me onto my next lovely quote. If you see something good in someone, tell them and make their day.

I was stopped by a lady the other day who complimented my hair. I could feel myself lifting in the glow of her kind words. I've done this to other women, not just friends. It might take you five seconds, but it will make their whole day.

If we magnify all of our strengths, we'll not focus so much on our weaknesses. We need to be in it together, backing each other up. This isn't just for appearance though. It needs to be in the workplace. I remember the colleagues who backed me and supported me. As did I them. When we saw something fab, we said it. This is crucial in my field of teaching, as in others I'm sure. It's crucial in this time of scrutinising and criticising. I am generalizing here, but we need to focus just as much on what's going well, not just what's not. Big each other up. We are all in the same boat. I'll never forget the people who threw me a life jacket. It's not weakness to admit you're struggling. It's not a competition who's working the hardest and whose displays are the best. We are a team. When I think of the lovely people, over my career who have supported me, and I them, it makes me smile.

Staying with the not a competition theme, we are all in it together, is the advice that the grass is not always greener on the other side. We've all done it, I've done it. Wondered what it's like on the other side of the fence! Well, it might look greener but it also might be fake and hiding weeds underneath.

Don't take for granted what you have. Again, in this busy, sociable world, we do get distracted and maybe forget. Or we might get down by the monotony of our jobs and routines. I look at that now as a positive. I see a routine and knowing where I am as living a simple life and I like that! Keep it simple with the odd bit of spontaneity! No drama, just simple please. When you are working on your own grass with what's growing and blooming and not worrying about others, life is so much better.

I've been so busy in the past and my head gas just been so full of stuff, I've sometimes not fully appreciated living in the moment as much as I could have. When you are squeezing loads in and rushing off to the next thing, that can happen. As I know other people just like I was. Now, I'm not so busy, I'm more aware of being present in the moment.

When I do go back to work I will try to continue this. I love now, just going for a simple walk and stopping to take it all in. To smell the roses and hear the birds sing. It's so relaxing.

It is sometimes easier said than done, but I try to see the magic in every day. Yes. Sometimes you may need to look that little bit harder, but it is always there! In a song, a hug, a bunch of flowers. It's right there under our noses!

I also love the idea of looking on the bright side. As it says here, no one ever injured themselves by doing so! Love it!

One of my fave outfits is my positive pants! I struggle sleeping and have insomnia so struggle on a morning. I've never been a morning person anyway but now I'm even worse. So I get them magic, positive pants on and I'm set for the day!

That reminds me of this next marvellous quote. I know so many people who do this on a daily basis. Good for them! Whatever is happening, get that smile ready and show up anyway. I know in the past, carrying on with your routine and going to work can help you grab onto some normality when needed.

Which leads onto the next important quote. I know so many bubbly, bright, friendly people who have hid hid sorrows and problems. I've been one of them! You can be the smiliest, loudest person in that room but be the unhappiest. Don't judge. Simple.

We do take the ups and downs in life. We need to remember that life, and people isn't perfect. We all make mistakes; we are all human. We need to stop beating ourselves up about what we got wrong and concentrate on what is going right.

At the end of the day, one of my fave quotes that I've lived by for years, is by my favourite fictional character, Anne Shirley. Tomorrow is a new day with a new chance. This quote has helped me so much. Thankyou Anne of Green Gables.

I have always lived by this quote too. When I was working, I threw 100% into my job, until illness thought otherwise. I started a habit of feeling ill at the weekends, once I'd relaxed, probably. But I still went out and did things. You work all week, you play at the weekend. I'll never forget a special person telling us we work to live, not live to work and that has always stayed with me.

It links with the quote that 'life is short, so wear the dress'. Although, I've chosen the following quote instead. I'm the woman who hides another coffee pot from her husband, nor a new designer dress or handbag!

Get those things used and worn. As they say, 'life is not a dress rehearsal'.

On a lighter note, I love this next quote to love by. You can't go wrong if you put the kettle on for a cuppa. Be it on your own, with a book and a Custard cream or with family, friends and a big piece of cake! It's good to chat over a cuppa with people who understand you, and you them.

I think it's good to remember everything good that's happening, what has gone to plan and what could go right, rather than the opposite!

I've definitely wasted too much of my time in the past doing the opposite. I do try now to count my blessings more. We all have them! Sometimes we see them every day so we can forget just how special they are- our family and friends who stand by us and check in from time to time. You can't buy that. The precious things we are so blessed to have, aren't a big house, brand new car, designer shoes and so on. They are people, and pets, as shown in thisxwall art from Pinterest!

When I think of the quote where someone says their cup is 'half full', that is me and many others I know. We do try to be optimistic. Perhaps I'm actually too optimistic and could do with a dose of realism every now and again to even things out a bit! However, I think this quote is even better and reminds us to be grateful for everything we have and that we are actually here.

I'm also thankful for Pinterest! Love it!


  1. Love your quotes. There are some brilliant ones about that certainly make you think!!

    1. Thankyou. There are some fab quotes that do make you think!


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