Five more minutes!

 Five more minutes!

The words that will be on my epitaph! I joked about this the other day with my sis in law. I never want to leave where I am! We had been shopping with mum and had such a lovely time. I could easily have had another five more hours, rather than minutes! Whenever I am out, I can always have one more cafe, one more cuppa! I love this from pinterest.

I'm the same when I am reading, yawning, clearly needing my sleep but I need to read just one more chapter!

I suppose it shows you get involved with things and experiences. I delve into life and I delve into fictional lives too! When you get involved with things and enjoy where you go and what you do, seeing people you love being with, you want to make it last as long as you can.

I found this really interesting book on pinterest when I was looking for quotes. I feel I may need to read this. Looks really helpful. I have so many books nowcon my to read pile that I need a year more, just reading!

I bought a lovely clay decoration a few years ago that said 'Life is deep. Dive in!' I loved it and the saying made me smile. I used to dive in at the deep end a lot more when I was younger but now seem to start at the shallow end and cautiously move along to the deep! Made me think of the amazing Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper song. Fabulous song that! I love this next quote. Treasure can be the people we meet and spend our days with.

This is a really good pinterest quote too. It really is quality over quantity. There were lots of really good quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Writing this blog, I am reminded of the Shallow song by the brilliant Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. Are you in the shallow end, playing it safe and waiting to jump in? Or have you progressed to the deep end? Are you treading water in life or swimming? And if so, who has your life belt? Who can see you trying your best everyday, swimming on to the finish line? And who is actually cheering you onto this? You sometimes just have to get your feet wet. Whether you are diving in, head first or just paddling and taking your time. Whichever way suits you.

Love this too from the same author. Very good advice for relaxing! 

Life is there to be enjoyed. We can't enjoy it every minute of the day but we can try our best to! Thinking of the sea and diving in at the deep end, life does get tough. But we are tough too. We keep swimming. We keep going, treading water in parts but still moving. We have family and friends who might swim by our side or throw us a life belt. 

We all know that scene with the duck swimming along all cool on top of the lake but their little legs are moving so fast to keep up. We are like those. We hide our stress and anxiety well. We need to keep taking deep breaths and keep moving forwards. I know, myself that we can waste time worrying about what is going to happen when we could be enjoying ourselves.

I do live by my quotes and my family and friends get their advice from me, many times through pinterest quotes! I really love this one and it has been in a blog before. Of course, we need to 'Seize the day' but we also need to squeeze it too. Squeeze every last drop out of everything you experience, your connections and adventures. 


When we squeeze the day, there is less chance we are going to miss something. There is much more chance of appreciating everything each day. Some days, I'm not that fussed about getting every last drop but there is, according to the quote, always something in each day to be thankful for. And there really is. 

A day may start a bit iffy but sometimes, it can change and improve as it goes along! I am realising that some of this depends on your mindset and positive outlook. Not all of it. Sometimes someone may be critical of you at work or someone may road rage you. To which you pull your tongue out! That was me, a bit ago and it felt really good!

There is always something good. In the family and friends we are surrounded with, in the nature we walk in, in everyday compliments and smiles from people and in the little rituals like maling a cup of tea or reading a book.

Some days though, are about just getting through them. As you can see in this quote!

This quote too from pinterest. We don't need to have good days every day. Being realistic, we would not be able to sustain the perfect life shown on some social media pages would we?

I love Anne of Green Gables and this reminds me of the beautiful, uplifting quote from her teacher, Miss Stacey. 

When you look at perspective and outlook, it is important to think about the cup and whether it is half empty or half full. I am a worrier but when it comes to optimism, I am half full. Always. Love this though. I don't have a cup. I have a bucket!

This is a good way of looking at it though! So optimism rules!

But then another way of looking at it is this.

Just spotted this on pinterest and it is really important that we try to look after ourselves first, to enable us to then help others. 

When we had the pandemic a few years ago, and the lockdowns, we were all reminded how important relationships and making connections with people was. When we were yearning to see people, catch up with them and give them hugs. I saw this as social therapy. How better do we feel for seeing our friends and family? And not just on zoom. For being understood and cared for? It is so needed in this day and age of social media, to put our phones down, physically hug a person and listen to them, whilst holding their hand or giving them a re-assuring tap on their arm. 

I am loving that as you get older, you are still connecting with people and making new friends. It feels like your energy attracts new people and you vibe with those you have much in common with. I have made some lovely friends lately, through the shared hobby of reading and through college. I love my older friends too. Those who knew me when I was younger. Those who have shared so much with me and me with them. 

It is so lovely when you can meet a friend and have a laugh but at the same time, have a deep conversation with too. Then finish on a laugh! This is so therapeutic. I suppose not everyone gets to see the deeper you. We all have a surface personna but only a few get to see the real you. 

In life. we meet some people on a much deeper level. We connect with them and can really understand each other. We are so lucky to have these people in our lives.  

You can be dog walking or having your morning constitution and people in the park just smile and say 'Hi'. This can mean so much. I mean, in the words of Annie, you are 'never fully dressed without a smile'. 

Smiling is contagiuos and puts people in a better mood. Even stopping to have a little chat with a fellow dog walker, or a fellow purple haired person, when I dyed my hair, is so lovely. These little, daily connections all add up to help you feel better about yourself and your day!

It is lovely to keep meeting new people through life. I love finding folk who you have much in common with, who are on your wavelength and are just as quirky and free spirited. Love this pinterest quote. When I started my book club, this definitely happened. A feeling of meeting book lovers who would become firm friends. And they did!

Kindred spirits are so important in life, to see who when we are dreaming and to push us on. But also to see us when we are low and need cherishing and understanding. I keep meeting folk who, you know are meeting you on that level. I first came across this term when I watched and read Anne of Green Gables. Such a wonderful story with Anne Shirley.

Another fabulous film song is 'Never Enough' from 'The Greatest Showman' and this song is how I feel about life sometimes. Never enough hours in the day actually! But also, never enough time at the party. Always wanting one song more. Always wanting another episode of a series or another chapter of a book. This does not mean you do not appreciate it; you love it that much that you eek out as much as you can of it. I am normally one of the last to get to a function or gathering but easily one of the last to go. I was on time for a friend's bbq, or so I thought. I was only early because I got the time of the party wrong!

I am well known for staying longer than most at gatherings. When I was younger, I was the last on the dancefloor. Especially at the foam party in Ibiza! I do like to carry on the party mood for as long as possible! I also love spontaneous get togethers where the fun is a lovely bonus you weren't expecting! It is great when events take a spontaneous turn and instead of going home, you move on to another party or club. Or, in my case now, another cafe or tearoom! This quote reminds me of when we go on family days out and visit just one more bay on the East coast before going home!

As a Virgo I am quite contradictory. I crave company then after a bit I long to retreat back to my book. I love planning get aways and trips to the theatre but I also love the last minute texts asking if I would like a free ticket to see The Bodygurad. Yes please! It is good to have both. I am a free spirit but the teacher in me still needs to do some planning! And talking of winging it, I am a pro at that! Thinking on your feet and going with the flow. 

I do like to try new experiences, visiting new places and going on different adventures. I am still that girl at secondary school who put her hand up to join in everything, every club and every competition then worry after if I was any good at what I signed up for! Sometimes, you have to just go for it. It is a bit harder as you get older and maybe your confidence and fitness levels have dropped, but when you can, keep going for it. Keep grabbing those wonderful moments lige brings, moments with those you love.

When we think young, we stay younger. I have always kept my childlike view. When I see something new or I am looking forward to a holiday or receiving a present, I am back to that excited child. It is great to keep that sense of joy and wonder. 

Always keep your lust for life too. Love this song by Iggy Pop!

When we are thankful for everything in life, we are happier. When we remind ourselves of everyone we have in our laugh, we feel blessed. 

Life is here to be lived, and loved to the full. We can't be extremely happy and up for it all the time, we do take the rough with the smooth but we try and make the most of each day and embrace each new experience, relationship and each little moment. It's not always about the bigger moments. Sometimes it is the smaller moments that add zest to our lives. 


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