Go on then, enlighten me!

Go on then, enlighten me!

I love this quote a friend on facebook shared. It did make me smile a lot. It kind of brought the reality back in. We can do loads to help ourselves, of course but that ironing pile will still be there, needing our attention!

Like, we can do all the yoga in the world but we will still get angry at another set of road works slowing us down! I actually pulled my tongue out at a lady in a big 4 by 4 the other day. I felt like I was in the playground at school again! She looked down on me in my little car with its dints and pulled the middle finger out at me. I was even angrier and pulled my tongue out the furthest it would go! Maybe I need to go back to my yoga! Again though, sometimes I am trying so hard to relax that I get more tense! Or I am trying to clear my mind but that just makes it fill up! I am so busy trying to be 'in the moment' that I blink and miss it!

My mind is so busy and chaotic that when I do stop, everything that was mushing together quite nicely, all just stops and freezes. Love this pose 'The Worrier' from the brilliant artist Gemma Correll! This is me! So many thoughts, deep moments then asking what's for dinner the next!

I love this from pinterest. Keep ut simple!

The times I have done an aerobics class and thought of the crisps I was burning off. Or the aqua aerobics and called for half a lager on the way home with friends. The best was the food from the vending machine after a swimming session!

You see, my mind is never quiet. It is so busy and fluctuating from one thought to another. If only my body was as active as my mind!

I do get a bit worried when my mind does stop racing and finally relaxes! But then I do enjoy it. Waiting for the inner peace to hit you and then it does! Love this artist on facebook! 

Yoga is amazing. I did go to a session once and enjoyed it and have friends who go regularly and are so flexible and calm.

Also, it can help us with the pull of gravity as we age! 

There are so many rewards, physical, mental and spiritual to yoga. 

I tried pilates once too. I must admit, I preferred yoga! The instructor kept going on about finding our core. I got paranoid whether I was doing it right! Was I centering myself? Where was my core? Was I breathing right?

Oh to have a good pelvic floor! I think mine is hiding under years of take aways! 

Love this next quote. You had me at pie!

For those who can work on their inner core without stressing too much where it is, then it is so rewarding too!

I love this quote from Pilates himself. We do have to stay true to ourselves and grounded and these approaches do help us to get back in touch with ourselves, the real us. Not the us who sometimes lose who we are, trying to fit in at work or trying to be something we are not. We need to embrace the genuine self to be really happy.

I have, as many of us have, watered myself down as I felt 'too much' for some people. I even went through a stage of apologising for being me and over analysing myself to make sure I fitted in. Then I realised, it is not good for your mind or your body to fight who you really are. I am very friendly, can be loud and over sharing but at the same time, I am very loyal and caring. We are who we are. Some people are tea and others coffee. If you are tea, don't change to become coffee. Go with the flow and go where you are appreciated. 

Due to my arthritis, I was sent to try tai chi and I loved it. I had about six sessions and it really helped me. I started a group but ended up following a beginner's tai chi at home on You tube. 

I haven't followed that lady for a bit and I tend to do the movements when I am in pain at night. I must start the You tube sessions again though. 

I have also undergone some amazing hypnotherapy sessions, during lockdown. On the sofa, via zoom with my doggy by my side. These really helped my anxiety. Moving house at the start of that first lockdown. Never again! Hypnotherapy is a solution based therapy and concentrates on building new pathways back to your happy brain. Concentrating on the good things that have happened that day and week before you have your meditation really helps you feel more positive and less stressed. I had a marvellous lady too who I could really open up to and be myself with. 

I love this quote. Makes me smile!

When I meditated, after our talking and concentrating on the happier parts of my week and what I felt was going well, it really helped my mind set. I did feel much calmer. It helped me to focus more on 'the moment' too, rather than regretting the past and worrying about the future as much. This quote made me smile too though. Thinking about cookies is positive!

The hypnotherapy did help calm my overactive mind. It did help me to not be as anxious. My busy, full mind, on that hamster wheel did slow down a bit and did have a rest. I am reminded here of when the old tape cassettes got stuck in the player. The negative on a loop, continually going around and around.

I know we can't be happy all the time. We need the lower times to appreciate the better times. Our minds are powerful though and when we are more positive about ourselves, it does help. The inner narrative we speak to ourselves with makes a massive difference on our daily outlook. This is such a lovely book. Five minutes each morning or when you can through the day, reminding you of your strengths and your fabulousness!

I love this quote too from pinterest. 

Let out your good vibes and share them with others. Someone may need that smile, that 'hello' or a hug. You can make a difference to someone else's day, not just your own. This is such good advice. Your aura and your vibe does attract other people. I find I am becoming friends with folk who have similar interests, passions and outlooks. Try to embrace the good vibes!

It is true what they say about 'good energy'. If you spend time with those who care about you genuinely and who compliment you rather than criticise you. If you listen to folk who try to see the good in others or in a situation, you will feel better about yourself and where you are. It has taken a long time for me to realise this! It does work though! Protect your energy. Use it wisely!

This list shows what guzzles up our energy. I am working on it. Especially the clutter as I am a hoarder! And the sleep. I need to stop reading 'one more chapter' and get to sleep earlier!

In protecting our energy, we are looking after ourselves. Then, we are in a good place to look after others. When we are appreciated, we feel better. Especially at work! We are happier and feel much better about ourselves.

Concentrate on these energy givers in life. Most of these are free!

A friend of mine shared a post about glimmers, the opposite of triggers. What a fab thought! These glimmers are little things each day that spark joy and make you smile. 

Love this from Pretty Little self care on Pinterest. Many of these are just small things that don't take much time or effort, especially when you can do them for others.

On pinterest, this quote also shows how to find glimmers. I definitely agree with the pets one. They do make you feel loved and calmer. Walking in nature too. On my dog walk yesterday, early eve, I could hear the birds above going into roost, the trees enveloped us in their embrace, the Autumn colours were so vibrant and you are reminded how peaceful nature is. Your senses are invigorated and you do feel refreshed. Your legs might ache but you do feel energised! Glimmers are also meeting people we vibe with. Like this aft in a cafe, twi lovely ladies who were so friendly, chatting about their dogs and fussing mine. Some little meet ups of five minutes can really make your day!

I also came across this word 'fawning' that I had never heard of. When I read the examples, I nodded at most of them. Especially the saying no bit! And the apologising. I am getting much better but still working on saying maybe first then no!

When I left teaching I attended our local recovery college which was amazing. We did art therapy and group classes. The Renew You class was amazing. They were so therapeutic and I learned so much about myself and where I was on my journey. I was reminded things don't always go to plan and to not berate myself as much. I do have a chronic illness and it took much time to come to terms with this massive life change. 

When we embrace the new us, rather than trying to grab back that other person from before, thete is much healing. It takes time though. And a lot of frustration! I had lovely folk helping me who I owe a lot to. In turn, I try to help others and share my experience with them.

I love this idea of creating a newer you as you go through life. You may create a few new yous! We are continually evolving as we meet new people and are faced with different situations. 

We are not going to feel calm all the time, especially in this modern world where screens are taking over our lives and we are barraged by hourly news. We are living hectic, stressful lives of work and paying bills. Where and when we can though, we can do what makes us relax or makes us laugh. At work, 'work life balance' was spoken about a lot. Balancing our hectic lives with the fun things is very hard. Especially if you are running from each event just to fit them in. Why have a massage if you are looking at your watch? I actually snore in my massages! I love this massage quote. 

Think about this too. When was the last time you were good to your brain? Give your brain a hug!

I love the idea of simplifying things and living more Zen. I do tend to over complicate things. I do get in my own way sometimes! Always trying to be the fixer and come up with the solutions. I do like to be in control. I have started relaxing more and going with the flow. I need to do more of these.

Instead of always being on the go and having things to do, filling every minute with action, I have slowed down much more in the last few years. I loved everything I did and have fab memories but it is good to take a breather now and rest more in between things. I love being out but I also love being at home with my book. 

Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed by it all. We get bogged down by everything. When I feel like this now, I try to take a day at a time and tell myself it is ok to rest. The old me that tried to sort everything and everyone, realises you can't sort it all at once, take a bit at a time. 

Positive thinking really does help. Look at this quote!

I do love this optimistic octopus from Positively present on pinterest too!

Which is better than this octopus, surely!

It is good to remember that we can't possibly be happy all the time. We need to feel all our different emotions. 

So, whatever helps to ground you and relax you, do it. Knowing that after fulfillment, you will still have the washing up waiting for you. Like I do now! I do have to end with this quote though because it made me laugh and laughing is so good for the soul too! 


  1. Yes keep looking on the bright 🌞 side it helps!


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