Christmas Love

Christmas Love

I love this quote from Sweatpants and Coffee. I find, as I get older, I am more aware of needing things to be more simple. Of peeling back the layers of commercialisation and of the material side of Christmas to reveal what really matters. People (and pets) are what matters. Spending time together and making memories.

It really is about connections. I grew up with lovely families on both sides and we really did make the most of Christmas! We had musical evenings and played games. I became a whizz at playing Charades. Nearly as good as Una Stubbs herself! Grandad was a pro on the harmonica and we'd lovingly listen to him. I can close my eyes and hear Bing Crosby singing 'White Christmas' and when we have our Harvey's Bristol Cream each Christmas Day, we reminisce 'the good old days'.

I look back very fondly on our family Christmases and not just for the many presents I received. I have amazing memories of fun and festivities, everyone dancing and singing, eating Pek and celery with loads of salt on and wearing so much tinsel we could have been mistaken for the tree itself! All these little moments added together that make big memories!

In amongst all this fun and celebrations was heaps of love. You could feel it in every room at every family party. Love flowing through all the generations. I still hold that love now. I miss it. I miss those wonderful times. We recreate it as time moves on but there is something very special about being the child in all of this, getting caught up in the magic that the adults worked hard to create. 

It is about remembering the Christmas magic of when you are little. Whispers of 'Has he been?' Similar to those holiday shouts of 'First to see the sea!' Tiptoeing downstairs and opening the front room door to find all your presents, lovingly wrapped. Opening them together with so much excitement you thought might burst! The magic of believing. Hold onto that magic!

I love looking back at photos of these lovely Christmas memories and for a moment, I am back there, record player on full volume, static balloons clinging to jumpers, Babycham being enjoyed and everyone laughing.

It is true that it doesn't matter what is under the tree but who is around it. Cherish these people. Your people. 

When we make Christmas more about the people and spending time with each other, giving the gift of company, we keep it simpler. I love this quote. 

I do love Decembet and the run up to Christmas. The special markets, the mulled wine and the Christmas shopping. The carol concerts and nativities. It is a special time, time to get wrapped up and drink hot chocolate on walks around the park. 

Christmas doesn't always have to only be about having fun though. This is just a part of it. It is about connecting and supporting each other. People do feel pressure to always be jolly over Christmas but this isn't always possible. They then feel pressure to be 'merry and bright' which then makes them feel worse.

I get this quote now. I'm sure lots of other people do too!

This year, I have been even later trimming up. I would drive down our street, feeling everyone had their Christmas tree up inside and even outside their house! I felt like my non glittery front room was letting the side down! I have since put our tree up and feel better for it but we shouldn't feel like it is a competition. We do put added pressure onto ourselves in what is already a stressful time. There's no certificate for the house who trims up first!

Love this quote. Love to sit and gaze at the tree all lit up and my candles. There is probably something in this. With the lack of natural light in the winter months, some days we feel we are going to work in the dark and coming back home in the dark. It is lovely to fill your home with Christmas lights and candles.

I do love to look at all the memories on the tree, of days gone by. All the handmade baubles made by small hands, now grown big. 

It is lovely Christmas shopping and I am one of those who loves to save some for Christmas Eve, knowing I will be frantically wrapping presents late that evening! I love the giving of presents and seeing people's reactions to thoughtful prezzies. I do enjoy receiving them too! This quote made me laugh!

I do try to follow mindfulness in everyday life. I love my dog walks and I 'stop and smell the roses'. At Christmas time we need to follow this mindfulness. Maybe stop and have a sniff at the hyacinths instead!

This is good advice to follow!

It is the season of goodwill and folk look after each other, visiting and seeing people they may not see for a long time. Remember to involve yourself in this too!

This is a lovely quote from pinterest. Love the 'add glitter' bit! 

Some other good advice is this! Set good intentions even if you don't always end up sticking to them!

Christmas is about sharing your time with those you love. Not just about the buying of presents. It is about reliving old family traditions each year and catching up with people who live away. Sending cards and well wishes across the miles. It is a warming time when people celebrate friendships.

I love this quote. So true. Presents are lovely to give and receive but time, attention and how we treat each other are so important too.

We have enjoyed going to the Christingle service and carol services, singing and feeling uplifted. 

Whatever it means to you and however you celebrate it, remember the connections formed and the memories made. This quote says so much.

So take some time over this Christmas period, some time for yourself. Sit awhile and take in the atmosphere, the family smiles and laughter, the arguing over who sits where at the table, the lame Christmas cracker jokes, the snoring of certain relatives on the sofa post Christmas dinner, the fun from family games. Take snapshots in your head of these wonderful moments, to store and re-visit later.


  1. Lovely blog. Wish the season of goodwill lasted all year!

  2. A late Merry Christmas and make nice memories,


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