

I just sang that, Dido style! As Thanksgiving has just been celebrated, I thought about the giving of thanks. Because when we look around, there is so much to be thankful for. 

I remember the advert for Roses chocolates, 'Thankyou very much'. I loved songong along to that at school!

Thanksgiving is about giving thanks. It is a time with family and friends to stop and look around at everything, and everyone we need to be thankful for. 

I love this Thanksgiving recipe for friendship from pinterest.

We do need to count our blessings. Some days, we may need a reminder! This quote makes you think.

We are thankful for the big things. The presents and the trips away or gorgeous jewellery. But the small, everyday things need to be appreciated too. Love this from Princess Sassy Pants and Co on facebook.

I love this quote from pinterest. There is something special about each day. Look forward to finding out what that is!

It is so important to be grateful. This emotion lifts you up and focuses you onto the good.

I love this quote!

This is such a good way of looking at it! We take a look at everything we need to be grateful for.

When you stop and smell the roses, you see the wonder of nature. When you look closer at the rainbow, it amazes you how it is created. When you look and take it in, it makes you gratefully in awe!

So keep rembering all the good stuff going on. I love this idea. It's like breathing in CO2 and breathing out oxygen.

Focus on the fab family and friends who love you and want the best for you. The people who pit themselves out for you and stand by you.

Gratitude does make us happy. It makes us feel we are lucky and fortunate. When we concentrate on these things we are happy for, it makes us smile. 

When we look around there is so much to be thankful for. And a lot of these things are free!

The little things are special, especially when they are shared with special people.

I love this from pinterest. Simple things to be happy about and grateful for.

Sometimes we can become complacent with what we already have. I love this!

It is good to concentrate on what you are doing right, on your positives.

Look at what is going right! Focus on what is making you happy and do more of that!

Gratitude is contagious! When we don't take things for granted, but thank people, this makes others happy who are being thanked. Get spreading!

People do love to feel needed and helpful. They love to feel appreciated too. Especially at work! One little thankyou can mean so much to someone else.

There are days we feel low and do think of the negatives. The positives are still there though!

It is important to look back at lovely memories and be grateful for things you did and people you spent your time with.

It is lovely to be happy 'in the moment' and thankful. Try to wake up feeling grateful for the day ahead.

It is also lovely to look ahead excitedly to things you are going to enjoy. And to the new people you are going to meet!
So give thanks every day. Think of what and who you have been grateful for that day. Look forward to what you are lucky to be doing tomorrow. We may have things we are worried about but we can also remind ourselves of what we can do. The words of the brilliant Michael J Fox.

You may have a down day or feel low or frustrated but remember there are going to be good times ahead. 

So be thankful and count your blessings in life! Tell people thankyou and show they are appreciated. Life can be hard but it can also be blooming fab too! 


  1. Great blog. True there is always something to be thankful for.

    1. Everyday there is something or someone!


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