Aging gratefully

Aging gratefully

I love this from pinterest. Says so much in very few words. 

Obviously, grow old with grace, but also with a bit of mischief and fun thrown in! When we are blessed with growing older and reaching different milestones, there is gratitude. I do feel lucky to be older and wiser, well a bit wise anyway! 

As I grew up, I watched mum use her Oil of Olay and other anti ageing creams, thinking how lovely her skin was. It still is very yourhful! Now though, folk are embracing the pro ageing era. Embrace the wrinkles and physical signs to show we have lived and loved! Yes to this quote!

Always, when you look at yourself in the mirror and see grey coming through, the odd new wrinkle or laughter line, feel lucky you reached this age to get them! And remember to keep twinkling as you are wrinkling!

I was happy to reach 40 and I felt ok about reaching 50 last year. I will await 60 and try to look at it as having been blessed six decades! I love this for my friends and I reaching 50 aeound the same time! If you were on Strictly, you would be winning it!

I actually feel like I am winging it but anyway! I know I am not on my own with this!

I remember someone saying to me at forty that the doc said she was the 5 fs. I think three were:




We could not remember the last so joked and said the extra F was F@@ked off!

Well, on turning 50 I have my own 5 Fs:






I do feel a bit of a new lease of life coming through. Very slowly but it is there! Still adding the extra F@@ked off at times too!

Love this list of becoming 50 from pinterest.

Yes to the recycled teenager bit! Especially when you feel blessed to get along with your daughter and their teenage friends. This quote is fab. I see myself, and my friends as queenagers. Well, some days with help from makeup! Must be all that 80s denim too!

I think it also helps to keep your mind thinking young. I used to love playing hopscotch at school and swinging on the swings. Get to that playground and get playing! 

When generations of family and friends get together and laugh together, there is no age!

Thinking of youth, I love this pinterest quote.

You see, it takes time to grow back young again. 

We do go back to wanting the simpler things in life again. Just like we did as kids, when life was looked at through innocent eyes.

I do still have an inner child that refuses to grow up. I think everyone needs one. When you look at life through the eyes of your inner child, at times, you do have fun and not take life so seriously.

I love this pinterest quote by the author of Charlotte's Web.

This made me laugh! How age wisens you up to folk!

So stay thinking young, doing what makes you happy! I still revert to my childhood/ teens all the time! I'm still not sure if I have ever grown up fully!

And remember, be proud to be your age and your experience!

I love this quote by Susan Sarandon. It is so much more than just appearance. Personality and character matter too.

Gwen Stefani got it right too when she said this quote. We do start to become more ourselves again, as we stop worrying as much what people think and stop trying to fit in as much.

 I love this quote too. So many hours wasted with worry and drama!

You realise, instead, what to concentrate your energies on more. What and who!

Age is just a number. It really is. This quote says it all. It is about what you squeeze into your life, the experiences and relationships.

This is a good quote too. Keep feeling young in your mind and in your heart.

So, forget your age. Don't dread turning a certain number. You are still the same person!

Instead of age, concentrate more on your attitude to life and living. I love this pinterest quote. We all give off different energy and vibes. If you feel your energy needs an uplift or refreshing, then get refreshing!
So be thankful you have aged. Be thankful for the years. Share your experiences with others going through similar things. Menopause being one, but that's another blog!


  1. Going on 80 but still 21 in the mind! Just grateful to keep waking up every day!


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