I love this idea. In fact, I would be content with a day of this!
I love to find books that look lovely reads on pinterest and this one really caught my eye. I loved the cover and the idea of slowing down in the Winter. Not just when you are having difficulties.
I love all four seasons, with Autumn as my favourite one. They each hold something special. Winter can seem harsh though, especially this week with its relentless snow, ice and cold. We long for the long, hot days of summer and warm evenings. But it is nice to have wintery walks, followed by hot chocolate too!
I love words and finding new ones on pinterest. This one has stayed with me. How lovely when you are walking in winter and the sun shines through the tree branches.
I love this quote. I do feel like hibernating a little in Winter. Obviously, we still have things to do like work! But I do feel the pull of my settee, my books and settling down in the evenings more.
I love the hygge way of living, all through the year but even more so in Winter. This shows us some of the things we can do more of for self care.
If nature slows down, then we can a bit too! It is ok to rest when we feel tired, mentally and physically. We cannot be on top of our game at all times. Some days, we are mediocre and others, we just get through it!
I love the idea of spending this time resting and recuperating. We are preparing for Spring. For that time of new beginnings, fresh energy and Spring cleaning. And not just our rooms, but spiritually Spring cleaning too!
Winter is a slower time. This is good advice! On the shorter days with the longer, colder evenings, take advantage of them and rest more!
We do need to rest awhile when the year is busy and stressful. What better time to recuperate than when nature is renewing itself too? The trees have shed their leaves, then new buds are forming, waiting to re bloom. We need to do the same.
We associate different ways of relaxing with the changing seasons. We all long for Spring where we can't wait to see the first daffodils on our walks. The first signs of new life and fresh starts. We know Summer is on its way where we can visit the beach and swim in the sea, feeling the warmth of the sun on our skin. Long, happy days where the hours stretch out leusurely. Winter is about cold but it is also about cosy. The colder it is, the more cosy we need!
I love collecting books and pots and this beautiful book jumped out at me on the way to Cornwall. Such a wonderful book. Even the cover makes you smile! There is something wonderfully comforting about a teapot. All those shared family and friends times, sipping tea and chatting to each other!
Hygge is the Swedish term for being cosy. However you do cosy, it is a personal thing. Cushions, candles, log fire, books, hot chocolate and tea. Add my dog beside me and that's me hygged up! This is a lovely book to read.
Another book I found on pinterest looks a wonderful read too. I could just do with a hygge holiday!
Resting is productive. Resting is essential to being able to carry on in this very busy, stressful, time poor world we live in. Resting is not being lazy! We live in a time where we feel we always need to be doing something, we need to be busy! I am slowing down and doing less. I am finding time to rest more and I do feel better for it.
Resting is still doing something though. To rest is a verb, a doing word. So get on that sofa, get out your book, your crotcheting, your diamond painting or whatever relaxes you. Put on the tv or listen to music. Get that kettle boiled and get relaxing! You will feel better for it. And more energised to tackle that blooming To Do list!
I used to feel guilty sometimes, when sat reading, knowing I had the washing up to do. Now, I read, aware how it is so beneficial to my mental health. Then I do the washing up! It is about doing whatever you want to do that makes you feel relaxed and rested. We all have our different hobbies and ways of spending our free time. Reading that book or knitting that blanket may be just as important as having your 5 a day. Maybe 5 a day could be 5 minutes rest and me time too?
Books are my go to, whatever the season. Whether I am reading a paperback on a sun lounger, wine im hand or reading a hardback in a comfy chair with a cup of tea. I love the idea of your books keeping out the cold draft!
I love reading rhe wonderful words of Donna Ashworth and have a few of her lovely books. I love what she has to say about Wintering.
My lovely friend bought me Donna Ashworth's 'Growing Brave' and I bought myself her new journal 'Words to live by'. I will set aside time to fill it in and enjoy reflecting.
I love this quote showing we can slow down. It is a natutal thing to do in Winter. Like it gives us permission! Like, oh that's ok then!
Winter may be freezing cold and the weather can be miserable but just like the Winter sun peeps through the trees, shining some warmth on your walk, this season does have lovely things to enjoy too.
This next pinterest quote reminds me of the more positives of this often wet, dreary season!
I love this quote. We do live for Fridays and for Summer holidays. We all need something to look forward to. Yet every day and each season holds something special. Find the little joys that are there to be experienced and not only will January not seem so long a month, but you might find yourself not dreading the month so much!
Perhaps wintering is an age thing too. I spent much of my youth, my 20s and 30s cramming as much of life as I could in. I am so glad I did this. At that time. Now, as I am in my Autumn years, looking towards the Winter of my life, I am embracing slowing down, resting when needed, saying 'no' to some social occasions. My once FOMO really is now JOMO and the joy of missing out has a lot to be said for!
I still find myself rushing at times so still need to sort my relationship with time out. No, you don't have time to run a half marathon before you meet your friends. Not that I would but you get my point! I always felt the need to be doing something, in the free window before meeting someone. I would tell myself I could do the two jobs then meet them. No! Not only do the two jobs get rushed but you end up rushing around and on the last push! I found this book on pinterest. Definitely one for me to read!
However you do your Wintering, make sure it leaves you rested and somewhat calm. We cannot fully hibernate, not like the Sue Townsend book where the woman went to bed for a year. As tempting as that is, it really isn't very practical! We can though, have snippets of hibernation in little power naps, wintery walks and finding moments that bring us joy.
We may just have to still feel anxious about driving in snow and ice, long for the sun to warm our skin and wonder when we can finally turn our calendar to Spring, but we will be more zen as we face our road rage. I actually pulled my tongue out at this woman who then sent me back a less childlike gesture. We are not going to conquer Rome in a day are we? We will still feel down with the lack of natural Vitamin D and long for those sandals to come out of our wardrobes and onto our newly manicured feet but resting and taking stock can give us more perspective. We need Winter and Summer, just as we need day and night. It is going to happen! Try to adjust accordingly! We may be lacking sunshine in the sky, but we can have a go at finding our own!
I love this quote. Always makes me smile!
Each season comes and goes, preparing us for the next. Find the best of each season, as in life. Embrace each change of the year and changes in your life. Some changes are only temporary, as are the seasons. Sit with the longer changes and endings, remembering that most of them bring about new possibilities. The harshness of Winter brings about the softness of Summer. The trees won't always be bare. And like my wonderful gran used to say, 'it won't always be dark at 4 o'clock'.
Love the 4 seasons they all have a purpose but my favourite time is definitely Spring. After wintering I seem to come alive again like the trees and 💐 🌹 flowers!!
ReplyDeleteSpring is lovely and on its way very soon!